Elemental Magick

Elemental Magick

  • Water
  • Magickal Properties: negotiations, beauty, rest, meditation, spirituality, restoring cell growth, children, childbirth, home, family, fishing, ancestors, medicine, hospitals, compassion and clairvoyance, friendship, partnership, unions, affection, healing wounds

    Magickal Forms: Dilluting, placing into water, washing, bathing, etcects into the air, suspending

    Symbols: Ice, snow, sea, fog, mirror, Chalice

    Energy Type:Receptiveve.

  • Air
  • Magickal Properties: memory, communications, travel, writing, organizing, drug addiction and music, intellegence, teaching, tests, divining, school

    Magickal Forms:Positive thinking, Standing in a feild on a windy day, relaxing breathingTossing objects into the air, suspending

    Symbols:Wind, Weather, Strom, Insence

    Energy Type:Protective

  • Earth
  • Magickal Properties: fertility, jobs, promotions, material objects, agriculture, health foods, stock market, ecology, antiques, old age and progress, money, business, investments

    Magickal Forms: Burying, walking, gardening, planting

    Symbols: Plants, soil, salt

    Energy Type:Receptive

  • Fire
  • Magickal Properties: sucess, sex, banishing illness, military, conflics, competition, dowsing, gambling, athletics, strength, terroism and war, treasure hunting, protection, courts

    Magickal Forms:BBurning, smouldering, heating, lighting candles, etc.

    Symbols: Sun, Candle, Bon Fire

    Energy Type: Protective.

  • Spirit
  • Magickal Properties:Any religious kind.

    Magickal Forms:Prayer, faith

    Symbols: Religion, faith, Deity, Love

    Energy Type: Projective and Receptive

    Book of Shadows
