


(October 31)

Samhain, aka Halloween, is a time in celebrating endings and beginnings. It is the Witches new years. It is a time when the vail between the two worlds run thin, and the spirits are given easier passage into our world. It is a time to reflect upon our anstors and to say good-bye to those who have past within the year. And is also a great time for divination. Now begins the time of darkness, for the abundance of the fields gives way to the power of the horned god of hunt. This time is the barer of many destutive forces, as the winter storms blow in deep from the north. Many light fires to honor those who have passed. Jack-o-lanterns and costumes are used to scare away spirits that will do harms. The candle within the Jack-o-lantern is to make way for those you welcome. It is a vary magickal time.

Its herbs consist of (Oak leaves, Sage, Nuts, Thistle, Chrysanthemum, Pumpkin, and Apple)

Its colour is (Black, and Orange)

Its food is (Pumpkin Dishes, Cranberry muffins, Apples, Corn, Mulled wine, Cider, Cranberry muffins, Herbal teas, and Nuts)

Its incence is (Sage, Mint, Apple, and Nutmeg)

Its ordiments are (Fall leaves, Autumn flowers, Squashes, Jack-o-lantern, Photos of love who who have died, and Apples)


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