

Reconcilliation Spell

You will need:

  • Blue candle (for peace and healing)
  • Lavender (for peace and purification)
  • Sugar
  • A rose (healing, love)
  • Lavender oil
  • How to do it

    Bless ingredients. Anoint the candle with the oil. Chant: Spirit, grant us clear minds and steady hearts, a new road, and light burdens. As I will, so mote it be. Sprinkle the sugar in a circle around the candle, saying, May our words and thoughts be sweet once more. Sprinkle lavender in a circle outside the sugar, saying, May our souls know peace. Sprinkle rose petals in a circle outside the lavender, saying, May our hearts know love again. Note that this spell does not bring you and your friend together again, nor does it dictate your actions. It merely asks that each heart be healed.

  • For friends who have had a misunderstanding, this will clear negativity.

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