Modern Magick

In today’s modern society it become difficult to see and understand The magick we have within. But in order to unleash and harness that power, you must first realize that the body, mind, and spirit are all connected.

Up until the 17th century, it was accepted to believe that nature is a living part of the universe that joins us all. We are all part of one being. It is only through science that we, as a modern society, begin to realize everything that makes up the cosmos is all comprised of energy, vibrating at different frequencies.

  • The Mind :
  • The mind is a very powerful thing. It makes up the spells and releases the emotion and energy that powers it. No accessories are needed, although they do help power the spell through greater focus. It is mankind’s greatest weapon and has been at our fingertips since the dawn of time. Your mind holds unknown tales and stories of the past, present, and future.

  • The Body :
  • The body is what connects us to the physical world. It is a swimming pool of energy that science explain as million upon millions of atoms moving around. These atoms eventually die and become recycled, and become part of the earth. Making this a give and take relationship between "Us" and the "Earth."

  • The Soul :
  • The soul is the spiritual side of our human form. It allows us to pass between worlds, and is what connects us to the spirit world and all forms of magick. The soul is the oldest part of the body that has been alive for hundreds and thousands of years. It is a never dieing being. It holds the power, personality, and secrets of past lives and the forgotten ways of our ancestors.

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