


(September 20-23) Day varies each year

Mabon, aka Fall Equinox, is a time in celebrating the end of the harvest. The day and night, light and darkness, are again balanced. The sun passes south of the equator. With that last of the grain, the "Chase of Lugh" ends for the year. It is a time in thanks. Thanking the gods for their generous gifts through out the year. And a time in thanking Lugh for his scarifice, that will be remembered until he is reborn again. It is a time of meditation and eveluation. It is time to prepare for the darker days ahead.

Its herbs consist of ( Corn, Acorns, Oak, Hazel, Cypress cones, Pine cones, and Wheat Stalks)

Its colour is (YelloW, Brown, Orange, and Dark red)

Its food is (Cornbread, Beans, Breads, Corn, Squash, Cider, Apples, Carrots, Roots, Onions, and ptoatoes)

Its incence is (Myrrh, Sage, and Pine)

Its ordiments are (Baskets of fallen leaves, Acorns, Pine Cones, and Pomegranates,)


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