


(June 20-23) Day varies each year

Litha, aka the Summer Solstice, is a time in celebrating the beauty of the earth, and the riches it provides us. It is the longest day of the year, and a time to look at the seeds you've planet, that should be in full bloom. After this, the days will begin to fall shorter and shorter until Yule comes again. Nature is at its fullest. This is also a time in celebration of the Fae folk and a festival called "The Feast of the Feairy" is held. It is time to welcome them, as they may bless you fully. On this day it is believed that at twilight the portals between worlds will open and the fea world can pass into our world.

Its herbs consist of (Lavendar, Lily, Chamomile, Rose, and Daisy)

Its colour is (Blue, Green, and Yellow)

Its food is (Summer friut,Fresh Vegi's, Ale, and Mead)

Its incence is (Fankincence, Lemon, Rose, Wisteria, and Lavender)

Its ordiments are (Dried herbs, Summer flowers and fruits, Seashells, and potpourii)


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