The Eye Of Horus

The All Seeing Eye

The eye of Horus, or what some know it as, "The All Seing eye", is often used in magick. Horus the great felcon god of Egypt came to be when Osiris and Isis, the two cheif gods created a son, Horus. But out of envy, Seth, the brother of Osiris killed him. This angered Horus, and in avenging his fathers death but battling Seth, his eye was gouge out. In ancient Egypt, the eye was considered a symbol of the soul, thus without it, Horus would be denied entry into the underworld. Thoth the bird headed god of reckoning, gave Horus his eye back in the shape of an amulet.

Ancient Egyptians used to place amulets and symbols of the of the Eye of Horus, to help with the passing into the afterlife. Many culture have taken in the symbol and have come to know through three differnt names... The Eye of Horus, The All Seing Eye, or The Their Eye.