


(May 1)

Beltane, aka May Day, is a time of celebrating Fertility and the union of the god and goddess. It is a time for renewing life. The buds on the trees are starting to bloom and the animals are birthing their childern. It is the time of planting. This is the time of honoring the fertility god, Belenos. Fires are lit in his honor. Childern that were concieve on this day are said to be gifted by gods, and are known as Merry-Be-Gots. The maypol, a musculine symbol, made of oak or pine, and the colourful ribbons that entwined around it are of feminine aspect. This symbolizes the joining of the god and goddess

Its herbs consist of (Honeysuckle,All flowers, St. John's wort, and Hawthorn)

Its colour is (Green, Light pink, Yellow and Blue)

Its food is (Dairy products, Oatmeal cake, Wine punches, Green salad, Strawberries, and Cherries.)

Its incence is (Lilac, Rose, and Frankincence)

Its ordiments are (Ribbons, Spring flowers, beads/strings of beads, and Maypole.)


Book of Shadows
